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Specific Info (New Stuff) Schedule || Directions || What to Bring


Thursday August 2, 2007 - Sunday August 5, 2007

Nathaniel Graham Keith (NGK) was a very very dear friend of mine. He was one of the few people on Earth with whom I felt truly connected. He passed away in a skiing accident in early 2005. I miss him immensely, and still think of him daily. The events outlined on this page and the pages linked to below are intended to bring people together. Maybe you knew and loved Nathaniel. Maybe you never met him but you know me. Maybe neither of the above applies but you know someone who knows someone who knew Nathaniel. It really doesn't matter to me who you are, because you ended up on this page for some reason and for that I am glad. I hope you will read it and join me and my friends for NGK Day.

Admittedly, calling it a "day" is a bit of a misnomer. This day is actually a weekend of activities focussing on two of the things Nathaniel and I loved to do together:

1) Hiking and camping 

2) Drinking beer and yelling at New England Revolution soccer matches

Click on the links above for more info on each segment of the weekend. The short version is: Revs game on Thursday (8-2-07), hiking on Friday, goofing around on Saturday, another Revs game on Sunday.

If you've found your way to this page either through an email I sent you or one that was forwarded to you, then somebody somewhere would enjoy your company for all or part of this weekend. Some of you have been invited from far away to take part in this event, so I understand if you cannot make it. Barring great distance, expense, or some other hardship, I would really love it if you could make it. If you are planning to participate, even if only for part of the weekend, please go to the "Participation Form"  and answer a few quick questions.

I hope to keep this website updated with additional information as it becomes available. Bookmark it and check it every now and then.